i am weak. or so you say. without even knowing the entire story, you think i'm weak. what a big joke.

everybody is weak. you. me. he. she. we. them.

just because i appear to be strong around you, doesn't mean that i don't have my bad days. don't you have your bad days too? who are you to call me weak? who the fuck do you think you are?

we have all made mistakes in life. some we will regret forever. some we will learn lessons from. my biggest mistake was thinking that you could give him happiness when all you did was just be stupid.

i handed him over to you on a diamond encrusted platter and instead of treasuring him, you ruined him. you need to go see a psychiatrist.

just because i show my weaker side here, doesn't mean i'm weak. have you never noticed the gap between my posts, you imbecile? what the fuck do you think happens between that time span? that i freaking cut my wrist all day and take pills to show how fucking emo i am? you couldn't be anymore fucking wrong.

i am happy. i am strong. i am me. you have no fucking right to judge otherwise.

so fuck you, bitch. there, that's my 2 cents. and if you'll excuse me, it's time for me to go be happy and go clubbing. unlike you, who is probably being a stupid stalker right now.


Copyright 2010 je vous vois.