i've been awaiting this day for a few days now. i've always thought the layout of my blog was very boring and thus, it took me days to find the perfect header picture and confirm the whole idea in my head and TAA-DAA! new layout~ love it to the core.

the picture was edit-ed by a good friend of mine. what i wanted was totally different but what he/she gave me was extremely over my expectations! i love it! i LOVE it! thanks, buddy :P

i've been a big fan of maroon recently so i decided to make my blog brown/maroon. that's why it was difficult to find the perfect picture to match with the theme i had in mind. but i found it nevertheless! hurray me!

hope this change of the layout may allow dear bloggers who are currently reading my posts to have a clearer or closer feel to me =) i've also enlargen-ed the text for the blind~ hahaha! :P

nothing much tho. have been quite happy recently so nothing much to be emotional about. life is a drama~ but quite boring for me recently =,=

life is a hackin' drama.
signing out.


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