this post, honestly, to me is freak hell traumatising -_- even looking for the pictures and choosing them almost killed me. but i thought it would still be a good idea for a post. so note to everyone out there: if you put any of these listed "THINGS" below in front of my face, i swear to god i will PUNCH the hell out of you! no joke :x

and then i'd prolly find a NICE BIG shoulder to cry on. sobsob.



cicadas; when i first moved into kuala balai, THERE WERE TONNES OF THESE! always make me scream and shout. hate em! >:|

lizard; they ever drop on my shoulder and dress when i was sitting down before
note: i know it's not a bug but whatevv! hate em hate em!

grasshopper; if you don't already know, my house area is quite forested and thus, much grasshoppers! big ones small ones green one blue ones black one cute ones!
whatever, hate em all >:/

flies; they're EVERYWHERE! hate em :(

spiders; there used to be one HUGE one in my ex-room, scared the shit hell outta me. searching for this pic was extreme stressful. go and search "spider hell". find a pic with a HUGE spider and MILLIONS of smaller spiders behind it. FREAKING SCARY! don't believe? dare you to do it lor. just IMAGINE it in your ROOM! -shrieks-

last but not least, dragonfly; always got a lot in the freaking classroom. fly around ma head and make everyone else scream. hate em lor! >:(

super random post la even though i did spend time on it. but if you rally want me to rank which bug i hate most, here's it:

1. cicadas
2. lizards
3. spiders
6. houseflies

lol yeah that's bout it :D
phew. feel so relieve now :)

perfected @ 2211


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