after a long and tiring session of trying very hard to sing malay song due to my bad malay pronounciation, i have finally given up -_- i really don't see the point of going for it anymore. a part of me is ready for it, but another part is so freaking scared that i am going to embarass myself on stage. anyways, it's going to take a lot of consideration so till then, let's blog!

i was having a conversation with a friend of mine the other day, i guess we were reflecting on my previous blog posts. apparently i don't like putting up names, at least until mr.tan came along :) i think i like the way it is. it doesn't expose too much of my life and no one will come back to me and haunt me saying that i backstabbed them or what toot. so i'm glad it's the way it is

i guess i have to apologize again for my previous blog post. but like i said, i am not going to remove it because i guess its physical prove that when i lose it, i really lose it. something i have to control if i ever want to get married, i guess. LOL. not funny :/

sometimes when i set resolutions for myself, i don't usually accomplish them in the end. this is one thing about myself that i'm not at all proud of. what i have decided to do is to print the resolution out and paste it on my pink wall, being physical prove that i can't do as i please all the time. that is very irresponsible.

i guess it's a suspense to know what my resolutions are. hehe -evil grin- sure, i don't mind listing them down here, i don't want to be haunted by msn spam nudges horh -_-

Resolutions to a "newer" whitney:
1) curse and swear less.
- i don't know why i've never realized that it's bad but the most important thing is, now i do. my other living inspector for this resolution is fe :P my personal smacker -twitch-
2) to be more facebook-active
- hmm, i don't know why i want this to be done either but yeah, i'm going to do it.
3) to smile more
- i guess when i walk on the streets, i'll come across as a b****, hahaha. i don't blame anyone for thinking that way. i won't deny that i don't smile as much as an average person do. i don't know why i'm so sensitive about smiling either but if i told you i was shy, would you believe it? ;)
4) to be more ok with vanity
- as a girl, i've always avoided as much as possible to be as LEAST vain as i could be. then again, i don't really know why i'm like that. i guess i'm afraid of being judged for wanting to act cute and all that. after thinking of it like that. what the hell is wrong with vaining? do i really care what other people think of me? yeah, not really.
5) secret
- haha, this one is to embarassing to reveal so ask me personally if you want to know ;)

speaking of vaining, yeah, i SHOULD be more ok with it. no, should is not the right word, i WANT to be more ok with it. i don't see anything wrong with it. so i'm going to be somehow more vain. HAHA. and most importantly, still try very hard to remain humble and the way i am right now :D

i know lah i know lah, i'm not your average pretty girl. but who cares about what you think? ;)

perfected @ 1243.


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