can you believe it? i found time to blog! i rarely have that kinda time thats why the interval between my posts are so big =S sorry all =D thanks for always staying loyal and checking up this blog whenever you can =D you know who you are even if you never bothered to leave a message at the shoutout ==' doesn't matter! i know that you do check and that you do care, that's all that really matters, right? =]

i remembered myself randomly chatting with daniel one day a few good months ago. and he said hey whi, listen to this new song from chris brown. its totally awesome. i didn't buy it as i was never a big fan of chris brown. no air was alright to me. it's just a very addictive song... at that point in time, fe was the chris brown freak =p

so then during psk with soohung, chinting, xuru, vivian, xinxin, ong, haqim and all others, i decided to give chris brown a go and i was SWEPT OF MY FEET by chris brown with the song entitled:


HAHAs! it was that bad. i'd bring the song everywhere i go in my phone. even to the showers! soon towards the end of our trip of psk, everybody knew the name of that song.

and then when june hols were over i told fe about it and she DENIED that the song was good. the addiction towards the song died down too sooner or later as i moved on the songs that were in my previous posts.

TO MY SURPRISE! felis navidad started loving the song... MUAHAHA! i own-ed her =P like she owned me for loving her "THUNDER BABYY THUNDER!! EEEEE...." =p

today, 05/11/08, i've once again fallen in love with the song. i mean literally like the first time i gave it a second chance =D especially after seeing the official music video~ oh GAWSH i love Superhuman! =D

give it a go! who knows? you might be the next person to come up to me and tell me you love it too =p

whitney. signing out.


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