i hate it when a good book is made into a movie. i was so bored that i redownloaded twilight and rewatched it. kinda regretted doing so because everytime i think of Edward Cullen's (book version) flawlessness - i see Rob Pat -.- damn annoyed but ahh, what to do? what is done can't be undone, no?

like everything else in life, we make our own decisions which leads to other decisions and other decisions and sometimes it's so bad, you completely go off course from what you wanted in the first place. that was sort of what happened to me, i suppose. right now, i am absolutely positively sure that i'm too coward to make any decisions of my own. it seems like whatever i do, it definately has a whiplash and might i say, i'm no good at all with whiplashes. so instead, i shall let fate lead me where it wants to. fall in love again or stay single for life - get married and have kids or stay single for life - have a one night stand or be a virgin for life (HAHAHA! sorry, i just had to add this one in :p) - shouldn't really bother me. i believe in karma - though, i don't really know how that's related to fate -sweat- .

anyhoo, ever since a few weeks ago, i devoted myself to the lifestyle of a vegetarian. well, semi - vegan at least. i still eat fish and egg. i haven't touched meat and beef or lamb or whatever in WEEKS! it's kind of hard to believe for me as well, seeing that i would have never ever eaten veges just a few weeks ago. well, i sort of still don't eat veges - not the green leafy and dead looking ones i suppose. i devote myself to potato + mixed vege patties, brocolli, tomato, lettuces, carrots and cauliflower sorts. so far so good actually. i sort of forgot how meat tastes like too. strange, i know! but i'm really proud of myself for being so :)

i take the vegan lifestyle - day by day. it's sort of like resisting temptation. it's not that i CAN'T eat but it's because i don't want to. for the first few days, it was extremely difficult, truth be told. i have chicken and beef laid in front of me everyday due to the fact that i'm solo on being a vegan in the family. wanna know a little secret? i ill-mindedly ate a smalllll piece of chicken in school on the first few days. that kind of shocked me because i sort of swore i'd go off meat for a while and just when i did, i ate it -.- yeah, kind of lame. also, being a vegan comes with a few benefits - i feel that my temper has sort of lessen. i don't know why but it's gotten better since i've chosen this lifestyle. sure, it's still difficult once in a while - doesn't help too when your friend is an excellent photographer at taking good food like steak and fries - but yeah, i'm loving it :) hopefully, i'll be able to stick to this lifestyle throughout my life :D i am truly blessed that i have a family - especially my mum - who completely supports me on this by splurging cash on expensive vege patties and what not. love you mum :)

hopefully by sticking to this diet, i'll be able to lose weight too. i heard singapore is really against overweight people - which makes me all the more scared. i am determined! from december to march, i'm going to hardcore exercise EVERYDAY until i reach my ideal weight. i'm praying very hard too that i stick to my words this time :D so far, the feeling of determination hasn't decreased so i guess it's a good thing, again - i am taking this day by day - one step at a atime :) my ultimate goal is to go sg and study, i suppose so i'm going to do whatever i can to achieve it. YOU GO WHITNEY! :D

they say fat people never get married because of their appearance. that is harsh but that is also singapore. one of the world's leading countries or however you call it and it's my ultimate goal. hopefully, i'll get there - i want to, so so badly.

oh yeah,
COUNTDOWN: 5 days! i guess i'll be updating everyday until that day.

i'm so excited~


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